Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Need of elcetricity

there are some undevolop country those are in massive crisis of electricity. Many years people are suffering from enorousmous loadsheding. Most the time people try to cover their regular need before sunset. so that, they dont need to go through a dark working night. all human have got the right to live a civilize life from the day they were born. we all know the presnt situation of some country those are far a way from undeveloping country. they have all posporous furture though they dont have enough money to do experiment on certain resoces to proof thier capability. as i am writtig this article to take out all my inner pain out my mind. i must say about my birth country bangladesh. i am not telling this because i born there. it is a precious gift from god that i was born in a country where, so many peopele sacrificed their life for the freedom of language. the most precious language bangla. Most important part in any country is there population. again, the most powerful economy runs because of the population. what i am trying to say is, in every aspect population can be a blessing towards a country. it is not about a particular source. it can be multiple resouce. we have to keep digging all field of hope. the birh of human can be imagine to assume was start from that perion. The first thing they need to live life and also invented for the that time was fire. laiter it came to produce in differntbioproduct. elcricity is another step of civilization. all this are science. and peopele born with science. so it is didficult say about human cicvilization for a peirod of timr. it reached to moon geadually.we can assume that without the light of sun , moon, starts ,life might not easy or beaiful as now. so where there is no light in night time life become a dark hosre ridding. so bangladeh people shouldnt suffer and negalacted any other devoloped country due to the lack of elctracity. all people of bangladesh are ready to do any compromise to get elctricity. such a big population can be use by government to work in double fileds to work out electricity problem. we wish one day there will no crisis in bangladesh. so many good things in our country may turn into a best devolop country all over world. good luck bangla desh.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

political situation

every day new things is happening in bangladesh. still the government didnt expose about the BDR case. The primemisnister still trying to put down the oposition party. why we cant take things easylly. why we always keep blaming each other. why dont the government start doing good things and work on electricity which is the biggest problem in bangladsh. why we dont take promise to vanish terrorism from bangladesh. why so many why kicking our mind. we all worry about our country. we all want to think positive about bangladesh. we have so many natural resouces. why dont we use those and bring massive change in our economy. our neighbour country india are now competing with any developing country. why we still blaming on useless isues. enough is enough we dont want to here anything we just want to see all educational organaization are safe and student studying fantastic. we like to see general people are not suffering. Bank loan are easy for the business and also easy for agenaral people so that they can change their future by doing any good business. we dont want to seee woman are raped in any vilage or city.we realy wont tgo feel proud of bangladesh while staying apart from bangladesh.why we are not capable to nproduce enegy from natural source. all this are not only sentance. i am talking about all bangladeshi. we all want to se a digital bangladesh. if we srat right now for good of the country, the goverment have to take rapid action on few things. i wish one day bangladesh will be one of the successful country in the world.

Marraige media

In every aspect the world is running with high technology. if i talk about a vilage in bangladeh most of the school people know at least browsing internet. All this usage of high tech brought enourmour change in people life.definately there are some positive change. in my opasnion a very general problem those live in abroad is to find right life partner. where as all this match making site are doing very good job. wether it is about finding loves one. or finding life long parner. Now a days in bangladesh, india, pakistan, napal. all this people are now easylly getting married or having good life partnner while staying far away from their country. yes there are some negetive aspect of this global netwoking technology. some peolple are hididng their personal infomation and chitting innocents. We have brian so technology gave us a blessing to bring the world in our hand. so we should think and take prospective steps while searching on matchmkaing site and always we should be careful so that we dont get chitted by any one. life is beautiful so all we should think positivelly no matter what ever comes in life we should be able to over come all suation. its all bout taking right decission at right time. from my side i can see one day match making sites will win world as they will be part off familly where ever the relation starts.