Saturday, April 11, 2009

Marraige media

In every aspect the world is running with high technology. if i talk about a vilage in bangladeh most of the school people know at least browsing internet. All this usage of high tech brought enourmour change in people life.definately there are some positive change. in my opasnion a very general problem those live in abroad is to find right life partner. where as all this match making site are doing very good job. wether it is about finding loves one. or finding life long parner. Now a days in bangladesh, india, pakistan, napal. all this people are now easylly getting married or having good life partnner while staying far away from their country. yes there are some negetive aspect of this global netwoking technology. some peolple are hididng their personal infomation and chitting innocents. We have brian so technology gave us a blessing to bring the world in our hand. so we should think and take prospective steps while searching on matchmkaing site and always we should be careful so that we dont get chitted by any one. life is beautiful so all we should think positivelly no matter what ever comes in life we should be able to over come all suation. its all bout taking right decission at right time. from my side i can see one day match making sites will win world as they will be part off familly where ever the relation starts.

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